Last night (16 Oct) we had our weekly A Course In Miracles Meeting (Thursday’s 7-8:30)
I wanted to share what we shared
We read from the manual: How is peace possible in this world??
As the lesson starts off saying this is something that we all wonder about. Even sometimes we wonder how peace could be possible in more personal situations as well (conflicts at work or home for example).
This lesson affirmed that peace has been promised by God, and even though we may not see it yet we must learn to trust that it IS there.
“Gods Word has promised us that peace is possible here, and what He promises can hardly be impossible. But it is true that the world must be looked at differently”
For the way to peace is NOT difficult but merely different.
Our choice of vision (what we choose to see) is completely ours to make. There is another quote from the Course “seek not to change the world, but to change your MIND about the world”
This is so important because we must first come to accept what we want to offer other for ourselves. You can’t give what you haven’t received. So peace is a choice of mind…. Then the actions follow. We can’t teach peace when we haven’t chosen to learn it
The lesson talks further on judgment and how through our judgement we condemn the world and others. “God’s Word assures you that He loves the world; YOUR judgment says its unlovable. Who is right?”
I love this part because it is a reminder that you do not always want to be right. God will only show us His love when we are willing to receive it (that’s the power of free will). So if you want to see things differently you have to be WILLING to see it differently. Especially on the topic of peace, because peace is not found within the rules of this world but from the pure source of Love (God/Universe).
This lesson is a reminder of what you want to see. The Course as a whole has only the purpose to teach the experience of peace through healing our mind. We can choose to continue to see the world the way we have before (eyes of separation) OR you can choose to be shown another world from a Vision that comes from your Inner Teacher (Holy Spirit)
It is only a matter of willingness
We always have choice of what we see. Confidence comes from knowing that what God Will IS done…. that we are the ones that are wrong that peace is impossible.
Such a beautiful reminder.
Much love and PEACE to all