Healing Blast


One of the Gifts that I have been given to share with others is the ability to tap into a very specific Healing Frequency of the Highest Intelligence.

Through my human vessel I Am able to open up the path of this Healing Frequency so that it can connect directly with you so that you can Receive a Blast of a Higher Vibration to use for Healing.

Each month a 30 minute Healing Blast will be sent out to all of our members LIVE via Zoom.

You can create an Intention of what you would like to send Healing to or you can ask that Divine Guidance does what it needs to do for you.

These will be held Live on Zoom. The days and times of each Live Healing Circle will change monthly to accommodate everyone from all over the world. All members will be sent an email with each month’s time & date.

The Healing Frequency that I channel can be used to Heal any area of your life whether it’s physical Healing, Emotional or Spiritual.