The word Satsang is made up of Sat, meaning Truth, and Sang, which means Together.
A Satsang, therefore, is a gathering Together to seek Truth.
This is where you will find all of the SATSANG Videos from our Live Connections via Zoom.
Once a month, a 90 minute SATSANG~A GATHERING OF CONCIOUSNESS -Live Online video broadcast via Zoom.
It’s not easy being an Awakened Soul on this planet!
Many of us have come here with some very challenging Life Lessons and often we can feel alone and isolated on our Souls Journey.
2023 is going to be an accelerated experience for ALL SOULS who have chosen to be here for this Great Awakening!
Each month we will come together in SATSANG and openly & safely create space for Spiritual Guidance & Healing.
We will begin with a Channeled Meditation & then will open up space for our members to share their experiences and as a group we will offer Insights & Support.
I will be Channeling INSPIRATION from My Divine Guidance Team and through this sharing and exploration of experiences we will build strength & Receive Clarity together.
Some of the topics we will explore include- Relationships, Abundance, Astrology, Health & Wellness, Intuition, Personal Empowerment, Empath Support & so much more.
Remember to check your email for our Monthly Schedules and the Zoom Links to join the Live Connections.
If you miss a SATSANG, don’t worry!
The full replay is uploaded into The Hub within 24 hours so you can watch it at your convenience, as often as you like.